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Shortcodes – Maps

  /  Shortcodes – Maps


Default Maps view

[map width=”590″ height=”350″ position=”41.881831:-87.629814″ zoom=”10″ type=”map1″ address=”” title=””]
[map width=”590″ height=”350″ position=”41.881831:-87.629814″ zoom=”10″ type=”map1″ address=”” title=””]

Different Maps type : HYBRID

[map width=”590″ height=”350″ position=”41.881831:-87.629814″ zoom=”10″ type=”map2″ address=”” title=””]
[map width=”590″ height=”350″ position=”41.881831:-87.629814″ zoom=”10″ type=”map2″ address=”” title=””]

The following types are supported:

  • ROADMAP displays the normal, default 2D tiles of Google Maps.
  • SATELLITE displays photographic tiles.
  • HYBRID displays a mix of photographic tiles and a tile layer for prominent features (roads, city names).
  • TERRAIN displays physical relief tiles for displaying elevation and water features (mountains, rivers, etc.).

Maps with marker and info window

[map width=”590″ height=”400″ position=”41.881831:-87.629814″ zoom=”7″ type=”map3″ address=”Chicago, IL, United States” title=””]
[map width=”590″ height=”400″ position=”41.881831:-87.629814″ zoom=”7″ type=”map3″ address=”Chicago, IL, United States” title=””]

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